Playable Races

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Viridian 2021 - Approved Race Selection List

When creating a character you may only choose a race from this list below. If your choice is not on this list, you cannot play as it.
Additionally, the list may be incomplete due to a change in document hosting: 1 out of 43 races have been reapplied to the list.
The list is organized by faction, then size category. Links to Race descriptions are provided, the colloquial name for a race will be within parentheses ().
The letter contained within [] denotes base size category (Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Gargantuan, Colossal. Ranges denoted by ~)

Cerulean Kingdom Faction

The Kingdom is predominantly inhabited by mostly Medium-sized races.

Vermillion Freeholds

The Freeholds are home to Small and Tiny-sized races. They have a neutral to positive opinion on the Cerulean Kingdom, but are mostly fearful of the Saffron Alliance. The vast size distance between Viridians and Vermillions makes interactions alien and stressful.

Saffron Alliance

The Saffron Alliance is composed of many groups of Large and Huge-sized races. Most groups are on good terms with the Kingdom and certain Vermillion Freemen, but feared by others. They are dwarfed by those in the Viridian Republic but are seen useful enough that a partnership exists between them.

Viridian Republic

The Viridian Republic is a disconnected nation home to a democratic union of Gargantuan and Colossal-sized races. For the most part they don't involve themselves in the affairs of the other three factions, but have better interactions with the Saffron Alliance and find it hard to interact with the Freemen of Vermillion.