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This is an '''Automatic''' Skill, and does not need to be selected, all Adventurers have Potential as a Skill-Focus.
This is an '''Automatic''' Skill, and does not need to be selected, all Adventurers have Potential as a Skill-Focus.

=Warfare Skills=
=Combat Skills=
These skills are traditionally used in combat and self-defense and typically have the Combat skill tag. Mostly offense-driven.
These skills are traditionally used in combat and self-defense and typically have the '''Combat''' skill tag. Mostly offense-driven.

==[[One-Handed Arms]]==
This skill improves the mastery of light and one-handed melee weapons including Daggers, Swords and Claws. Also governs the use arm-mounted shields, thrown weapons and slings.
Governs the proficiencies and masteries of all historical weaponised combat. From Swords and Bows, to thrown projectiles and slings.
This is a '''Combat''' Skill.
♦ '''Skill-Rating Bonus'''
Increases Accuracy by 0.5,
Critical Hit Chance by 0.075,
and Critical Damage of One-handed weapons by 1.25% per Skill-Rating point.
♦ '''Novice-Rank Bonus'''
Allows Adventurers to dual-wield Light/One-handed melee weapons/equipment without penalty.
==[[Two-Handed Arms]]==
This skill improves the mastery of heavy and two-handed melee weapons, including great-sized weapons and tower shields. As well as two-handed projectiles such as bows and arrows.
This is a '''Combat''' Skill.
♦ '''Skill-Rating Bonus'''
Increases Accuracy by 0.5,
Critical Hit Chance by 0.075,
and Critical Damage of Two-handed weapons by 1.25% per Skill-Rating point.
♦ '''Novice-Rank Bonus'''
Adventurers no longer take To-Hit/Accuracy penalties for wielding heavy/two-handed weapons. (Normally, ToHit is reduced by half.)

==Martial Arts==
==Martial Arts==

Revision as of 17:45, 25 September 2022

Note: All Skill-Rating Bonus values stated as 'per Skill-Rating' refers to Skill-Ratings ABOVE 20. SRB does not apply at Skill-Rating 20 or lower.

Combat skills generally have Skill-Rating bonuses that increase battle statistics like damage and accuracy.
Survival skills can be used in combat, but are generally designed around not dying to various threats in general.
Practical skills generally follow the rule of being used for Skill Checks on a 'equal or better' basis. You can roll against higher check requirements above the Adventurer's current Skill-Rating to risk a success.
Crafting skills are similar to Practical skills, except the result is often producing items as a reward, and such items can become increasingly better the higher the Adventurer's Skill-Rating becomes.
Knowledge skills generally only allow to give information to an Adventurer rather than directly affect other skills and actions, but they can be helpful at times.

Potential (Skill)

The Potential skill affects the extent and effectiveness of an Adventurer's natural capabilities and powers. It's especially important for Races with racial abilities. As each Race has different abilities, the effects of this skill can only be found on the Adventurer's own Race page.

This is an Automatic Skill, and does not need to be selected, all Adventurers have Potential as a Skill-Focus.

Combat Skills

These skills are traditionally used in combat and self-defense and typically have the Combat skill tag. Mostly offense-driven.


Governs the proficiencies and masteries of all historical weaponised combat. From Swords and Bows, to thrown projectiles and slings.

Martial Arts

The Martial-Arts skill is the practise of using close-quarters hand-to-hand combat and self-defense to strike foes with their arms, legs or even their whole body.

This is a Combat Skill.

Skill-Rating Bonus
Increases Accuracy by 0.5,
Critical Hit Chance by 0.075,
and Critical Damage of Unarmed-Strikes by 1.25% per Skill-Rating point.

♦ Novice-Rank Bonus
Increases the Adventurer's Unarmed Strike base damage from d4 (5-8) to d6 (7-12).
  Grants the Adventurer a 20% discount on attacking with Unarmed-Strike. (Standard Action costs 40 AP instead of 50).


The Firearms is a skill that covers all manner of firearms, both one and two-handed variants. Since Firearms are a fairly new form of Arms, this skill is critical in the use and maintainance of firearms. Light Firearms count pistols and crossbows, while heavy firearms cover shotguns, rifles and projectile-launchers.

This is a Combat Skill.

♦ Skill-Rating Bonus
Increases Accuracy by 0.5,
Critical Hit Chance by 0.075,
and Critical Damage of Firearms by 1.25% per Skill-Rating point.

♦ Novice-Rank Bonus
Allows the Adventurer to use the Reload action as a Quick-Action (25AP) when using Firearms. (Normally: Reloading a Firearm is a Standard Action (50AP) to the untrained)


This Stance skill grants additional fighting styles to allow the Adventurer to fight in different ways. Different fighting styles can improve the way one approaches enemy combatants.

This is a Combat skill.

Skill-Rating Bonus
Increases Action-Point discount to use and maintain Fighting Stances by +0.75% per Skill-Rating point.

♦ Novice-Rank Bonus
Allows an Adventurer to use universally obtainable fighting styles as a Quick-Action (25AP). (Normally: Fighting styles like these are a Standard Action (50AP) to use.)

Grants the Adventurer a choice of (1 + INT) Basic/Advanced Stances/Fighting-Styles that can be used in battle situations at a discount relative to Stance Skill-Rating. (Normally: Adventurers cannot use special fighting styles or stances.)


Self-Defence skills are specifically focuses on survival in intense and theatening situations. They are universally effective with all kinds of Adventurers.


The Guard skill covers bonuses and techniques to help the Adventurer reduce the amount of damage taken, or secondary effects from affecting them.

This is a Survival skill.

Skill-Rating Bonus
Increases the Adventurer's Damage-Resistance while guarding by +0.125 per Skill-Rating point.

Also increases the Adventurer's bonus against resisting mundane secondary effects while guarding by +0.625 per Skill-Rating point.

♦ Novice-Rank Bonus
Adventurer can now perform a Quick-Guard as a Standard-Action (50AP) outside their turn as a reaction.

The Adventurer can also now raise their guard during their turn as a Quick-Action (25AP)


The Elude skill covers bonuses and techniques to help Adventurers evade attacks more easily and also add new ways to avoid attacks. This also affects actions that raise Defence, even if it isn't dodging or evading.

This is a Survival skill.

Skill-Rank Bonus
Increases the Adventurer's Defence multiplier while 'actively Evasive' by 2.5% per Skill-Rating point.

♦ Novice-Rank Bonus


The Escape skill covers bonuses and techniques to rid the Adventurer of negative effects and/or enemy attacks.

This is a Survival skill.

Skill-Rating Bonus
Increases the Adventurer's bonus to checks to escape from holds and/or negative-side effects affecting the Adventurer by +0.625 per Skill-Rating point.

♦ Novice-Rank Bonus


Larceny skills are deception-based skills primarily used by Rogues and Ninjas and not particularly dependant on typical weaponry or fighting styles.


The Subdue skill covers techniques to deal heavy damage to foes to knock out or to kill them outright. Important for Assassins but also good for neutralizing threats non-lethally. This Skill also covers and enhance Critical-Hit and Weakness exploitation mechanics.

This is a Combat-oriented Skill.

Skill-Rating Bonus
Increases the bonus damage dealt from a Sneak-Attack and any Critical-Hits.
> +3.75% extra damage to Sneak-Attacks and Critical-Hits per Skill-Rating point.

♦ Novice-Rank Bonus
Adventurer can now perform a Sneak-Attack whenever they meet its requirements. Weapon/Attack type determines whether it is lethal or non-lethal take-downs on foes.


The Stealth skill helps Adventurers stay out of sight from foes and avoid detection or suspicion from enemy individuals. Stealth covers sight, sound and other sensory misdirection and disguising.

This is a Practical skill.

Skill-Rating Bonus
If the Adventurer's Skill-Rating is equal or greater than the Stealth check requirement, they will pass 96% of the time. If they are 100 or less below the check requirement, they may risk to roll for a possible success.

♦ Novice-Rank Bonus
Adventurer no longer has to roll a raw Stealth check regardless of check requirement, if their Skill-Rating is equal or greater, they pass 96% of the time.

The Adventurer can create a basic disguise as an Advanced action (100AP) that uses the Adventurer's Stealth Skill-Rating at time of disguising for Stealth checks against plain-sight suspicion.


The Bypass skill helps the user pick locks, disarm traps or any other means of gaining access to sealed objects and environments with the use of tools or knowledge.

This is a Practical skill.

Skill-Rating Bonus
If the Adventurer's Skill-Rating is equal or greater than the Bypass check requirement, they will pass 96% of the time. If they are 100 or less below the check requirement, they may risk to roll for a possible success.

♦ Novice-Rank Bonus
The Adventurer can attempt to pick Locks, disarm Traps without breaking or triggering the device. (Normally: Adventurer cannot pick locks without Bypass skill, Adventurer can only trigger trap)


Analysis skills have a emphasis on the ability to analyse objects, environments and creatures, uncovering secret/hidden elements and being able to passively notice things at a glance. In Combat this can help Adventurers have an advantage against enemies and environments they have memorised, while outside of combat it can help them study secret and hidden elements and clues through astute observation.


The Insight skill improves the character's ability to identify creature behaviors and develop ways to defend against and better subdue their favoured targets, as well as getting clues on their motives and patterns. Insight is a skill that allows you to tell whether someone is influencing or manipulating you.

This is a Combat-oriented and Practical skill.

Skill-Rating Bonus
Increases bonus Damage, Damage-Resistance, Accuracy and Defense against creature types memorised by the Adventurer.
> +1.25% Damage and Accuracy when attacking memorised creature types, and +1.25% Damage-Resistance and Defence when attacked by memorised creature types, per Skill-Rating point.

If the Adventurer's Skill-Rating is equal or greater than the Insight check requirement, they will pass 96% of the time. If they are 100 or less below the check requirement, they may risk to roll for a possible success.

♦ Novice-Rank Bonus
Adventurer can select (1 + INT) creature subtypes to memorise, memorised types will give the Adventurer bonuses from their Insight skill when interacting with those subtypes. The Adventurer's first memorised subtype is always based on their own Race's subtype.

Allows the Adventurers to automatically succeed on Insight checks based on their Skill-Rating on contested/Risky checks.


The Investigation skill helps a character adapt to different biomes and locales, gaining an advantage when traversing or fighting other creatures there, as well as general knowledge about the world. This skill is also a combination of skills to determine the value, properties and even function of various items and equipment, and getting clues on the environment and any hidden or secret features it may contain.

This is a Practical skill.

Skill-Rating Bonus
If the Adventurer's Skill-Rating is equal or greater than the Investigation check requirement, they will automatically succeed in all except Risky checks. If they are 20 or less below the check requirement, they may risk to roll for a possible success.

If the Adventurer had memorised a terrain type that they are currently in, they gain a +0.5 bonus to Investigation check to find hidden features and information per Skill-Rating point.

♦ Novice-Rank Bonus
The Adventurer will passively recieve information of examined items, and environment according to their Investigation Skill-Rating without calling for a skill-check. However, to discern secret or hidden features within an item or environment will require rolling for a check. (Normally: An Adventurer would only be given basic information about any items or environmental features and must call for a check to get more information).

The Adventurer can select up to (1 + INT) terrain types to memorise, memorized terrain will give the Adventurer bonuses from their Investigation skill when in those terrains.

Crafting Skills

Creation Skills often allow Adventurers to create, or enhance/repair, specific items or objects.


The Herbology skill involves the processing and identification of various healing (and poisonous) herbs. It also allows the Adventurer to create herb mixes to Heal (or Harm) and make items that make it easier to apply or expose such effects to others. Lastly, herb mixes become more powerful the higher the Adventurer's Herbology Skill-Rating.

This is a Practical and Crafting skill.

Skill-Rating Bonus
If the Adventurer's Skill-Rating is equal or greater than the Herbology check requirement, they will pass 96% of the time. If they are 100 or less below the check requirement, they may risk to roll for a possible success.

Increases the healing (or harmful) effects of Herbs; including Damage, Healing, Magnitude and Duration by +1.25% per Skill-Rating point.
Novice-Rank Bonus
Enables the Adventurer to create herb mix items to heal/harm the self or others. (Normally: Adventurer can only use herbs raw, and cannot create items to expose herb effects to others).

Also, allows the Adventurer to harvest harmful herbs without risking exposure. (Normally: Adventurer must roll a Herbology check to avoid exposure)


The Fabrication skill governs the ability to create and improve Weapons, Armours, Lifeguards and other worn protective gear. This also governs Outfits and Outfit customisations.

This is a Crafting Skill.

Skill-Rating Bonus
Allows an Adventurer to create, or reforge a Weapon to increase its Direct Damage and Spread by +0.0625 damage per Skill-Rating point;
Or, increase an Armour or Shield's Damage-Reduction by 1.25% and Defence by 2.5% per Skill-Rating point.

If the Adventurer's Skill-Rating is equal or greater than the Forge check requirement, they will pass 96% of the time. If they are 100 or less below the check requirement, they may risk to roll for a possible success.

♦ Novice-Rank Bonus
Adventurer can Create, Reforge, Enhance and Customise, reforge Outfits, Armours and Weapons (with the proper tools/workbench, of course). (Normally: An Adventurer cannot customise their outfit that requires tailoring/reforging, nor can they create equipment beyond improvised creations).





Gunslinger (Skill)

The Gunslinging skill grants the user to create different kinds of explosives as well as creating ammunition for Firearm weapons.

Skill-Rating Bonus

♦ Novice-Rank Bonus

The Chi skill grants the user the ability to perform Ki moves and abilities, each new rank grants a new ability and Mastery allows the user to obtain more via Perk points.

Metaphysical Skills

Metaphysical Skills refer to the magical, supernatural or otherwise special powers Adventurers can use, these rely on the key Skill Metaforce.


The Metaforce skill determines the user's potential in using Spells, Powers and other Metaforce-related abilities, including Racial/Potential abilities that require Resource-points

Metaforce-oriented Skill.

Skill-Rating Bonus
Increases the the maximum amount of Resource-Points (Ki, Spell Points...etc) for the Adventurer's Metaforce abilities.
> +1.25% Maximum Resource-Points per Skill-Rating point.

♦ Novice-Rank Bonus
Allows the Adventurer to use abilities that cost Resource-Points, such as Spell-Points, Ki, Power-Points (Psionics) anything besides Action-Points.


The Arcana skill reflects the power and magnitude of Arcane Spellcasters (Adventurers that use Spell Points to cast Spells). This skill also covers Metamagic, modifiers to spells to cast them in different ways.

This is a Metaforce skill.

Skill-Rating Bonus
Increases the numeric values of Arcane/Divine Spells (Damage, Healing, Duration, Other) by 1.25% per Skill-Rating point.

♦ Novice-Rank Bonus
Unlocks the ability for the Adventurer to use 1st level and later Arcane Spells. (Normally: Adventurers cannot use magic beyond 0th without assistance).


The Spellcraft skill allows Spellcasters to learn new and more powerful spells independantly from other sources, as well as cast higher level spells. This skill also helps with the maximum number of memorised spells (Unique spells the Spellcaster can cast per spell-preparation phase). Lastly, Spellcraft can be used for checks to deciper and manipulate magical subjects and items.

This is a Metaforce and Knowledge skill.

Skill-Rating Bonus
Increases the number of unique spells an Adventurer can memorise each preparation phase by 1 + INT + 0.2 per Skill-Rating point.
If the Adventurer's Skill-Rating is equal or greater than the Spellcraft check requirement, they will pass 96% of the time. If they are 100 or less below the check requirement, they may risk to roll for a possible success.

♦ Novice-Rank Bonus
Adventurer 1st level spells at Novice-Rank, then cast 2nd + 3rd level, 4th + 5th level, 6th + 7th level and 8th + 9th level spells at each Spellcraft rank (respectively).


The Psionics skill reflects the power and magnitude of a Psion's Psionic powers (Adventurers that use Psi-Points to manifest 'Powers'). This skill also covers Psionic augmentations, modifiers to psionic powers in order to cast them in different ways.

This is a Metaforce skill.

Skill-Rating Bonus
Increases the numeric values of Psionic Powers (Damage, Healing, Duration, Other) by 1.25% per Skill-Rating point.

♦ Novice-Rank Bonus
Unlocks the ability for the Adventurer to use 1st later and later Psionic Powers. (Normally: Adventurers cannot use Psionic powers beyond 0th without assistance)


The Actualization skill allows Psions to learn new Powers independantly from other sources, as well as cast higher level Powers. This skill also helps with the maximum number of memorised Powers (Unique Powers the Psion can manifest per Psionic-meditation phase). Lastly, Actualization can be used for checks to deciper and manipulate psionic subjects and items.

This is a Metaforce and Knowledge skill.

Skill-Rating Bonus
Increases the number of unique Powers an Adventurer can memorise each preparation phase by 1 + INT + 0.2 per Skill-Rating point.

If the Adventurer's Skill-Rating is equal or greater than the Actualization check requirement, they will pass 96% of the time. If they are 100 or less below the check requirement, they may risk to roll for a possible success.
Novice-Rank Bonus
Adventurer unlocks the ability to manifest 1st level psionic powers. Unlocks 2nd and 3rd level, 4th and 5th level, 6th and 7th level and 8th and 9th level Psionic powers per Rank beyond Novice.

Social Skills

Social Skills affect the options Adventurers have when talking to or influencing other creatures. Generally speaking, Social skills can be used in and outside Combat, but is only effective when engaging those who understand the Adventurer.


The Persuasion skill determines how capable the Adventurer is at creating social opportunities using Diplomacy or Charm. In combat, Persuasion allows the Adventurers to make enemies go easier on them.

This is a Practical Skill.

Skill-Rating Bonus
If the Adventurer's Skill-Rating is equal or greater than the Persuasion check requirement, they will pass 96% of the time. If they are 100 or less below the check requirement, they may risk to roll for a possible success.

When using Persuasion against a hostile-target: Adventurers gain a (1 * CHA) + 0.625 bonus to a Persuade action to lower a Foe's accuracy by 1 per Skill-Rating point.
Novice-Rank Bonus
Adventurer no longer needs to roll for every Persuasion check, they will automatically succeed for all except risky checks. They can also roll for Persuasion checks up to 20 points above their Skill-Rating.

Adventurer unlocks the ability to use Persuasion against a target foe: If the result is 100 or greater: Target foe's accuracy is lowered by an amount relative to their Persuasion debuff magnitude.


The Deception skill determines how capable the Adventurer is at exploiting opportunities using Lies and Misdirection. In combat, Deception allows the Adventurer to lower an enemy's guard.

This is a Practical Skill.

Skill-Rating Bonus
If the Adventurer's Skill-Rating is equal or greater than the Deception check requirement, they will pass 96% of the time. If they are 100 or less below the check requirement, they may risk to roll for a possible success.

When using Deception against a hostile-target: Adventurers gain a (1 * CHA) + 0.625 bonus to a Decieve action to lower a Foe's Defence by 0.0125 per Skill-Rating point.
Novice-Rank Bonus
Adventurer no longer needs to roll for every Deception check, they will automatically succeed for all except risky checks. They can also roll for Deception checks up to 20 points above their Skill-Rating.

Adventurer unlocks the ability to use Deception against a target foe: If the result is 100 or greater: Target foe's Defence is lowered by an amount relative to their Deception debuff magnitude.


The Intimidation skill determines how capable the user is at creating social opportunities by being direct or coercing others to comply. In combat, Intimidate can cause enemies to consume more Action-Points when using their actions.

This is a Practical Skill.

Skill-Rating Bonus
If the Adventurer's Skill-Rating is equal or greater than the Intimidation check requirement, they will automatically succeed in all except Risky checks. If they are 100 or less below the check requirement, they may risk to roll for a possible success.

When using Intimidation against a hostile-target: Adventurers gain a (1 * CHA) + 0.625 bonus to a Intimidate Action to increase a Foe's Action-Point cost by +0.625 per Skill-Rating point.
Novice-Rank Bonus
Adventurer no longer needs to roll for every Intimidation check, they will automatically succeed for all except risky checks. They can also roll for Intimidation checks up to 20 points above their Skill-Rating.

Adventurer unlocks the ability to use Intimidation against a target foe: If the result is 100 or greater: Target foe's AP-cost is increased by an amount relative to their Intimidation debuff magnitude.

Physical Skills

These skills are about physical strength, agility and fitness. Often useful in navigating terrain, but also has its uses in combat scenarios.


The Acrobatics skill determines the user's ability to move and navigate difficult terrain with speed and grace. Generally used for advanced movement and mobility checks.

Skill-Rating Bonus
If the Adventurer's Skill-Rating is equal or greater than the Acrobatics check requirement, they will automatically pass. If they are 100 or less below the check requirement, they may risk to roll for a possible success.

Increases the Adventurer's base movement speed by +0.0375 steps per Skill-Rating point. (This is affected by Size-Rating).

♦ Novice-Rank Bonus
The Adventurer can now automatically succeed at Acrobatics checks if their Skill-Rating meets or succeeds the minimum requirement. (Normally: Adventurers must roll for Acrobatics even when the check is low).


The Athletics skill focuses on the character's core physical strength and endurance to navigate difficult terrain, such as climbing and swimming.

Skill-Rating Bonus
If the Adventurer's Skill-Rating is equal or greater than the Athletics check requirement, they will automatically pass. If they are 100 or less below the check requirement, they may risk to roll for a possible success.

Increases the Adventurer's base Load-Point maximum by +0.625 points per Skill-Rating point. (This is affected by Size-Rating).

♦ Novice-Rank Bonus
The Adventurer can now automatically succeed at Athletics checks if their Skill-Rating meets or succeeds the minimum requirement. (Normally: Adventurers must roll for Athletics even when the check is low).

Knowledge Skills

These skills primarily are about answering knowledge checks and less practical skills, however they can provide some additional support to existing skills.


The Academics Skill allows an Adventure to recall useful information on just about any subject, though the Adventurer will have better success on subjects they have memorised. Though this Skill cannot replace any other practical or crafting skill, it can provide a small bonus to such checks.

Skill-Rating Bonus
If the Adventurer's Skill-Rating is equal or greater than the Academics check requirement, they will automatically pass. If they are 100 or less below the check requirement, they may risk to roll for a possible success.

Academics grants the Adventurer a +0.3125 bonus to Practical and Crafting-based skills per Skill-Rating point.

♦ Novice-Rank Bonus
Allows the Adventurer to call an Academics check to 'know' something relevant to the current situation. (Normally: An Adventurer can only go by what information is readily available to them at the scene.)

Grants the Adventurer a choice of (1 + INT) memorised subjects that the Adventurer can gain a +0.625 bonus when taking Academics checks per Skill-Rating point.


The Linguistics skill allows the user to be able to speak, listen, read or write other languages spoken or written by others and can make them multi-linguial. By default, the Adventurer never has to roll for reading or speaking their Race's native language or Common.

Skill-Rating Bonus
If the Adventurer's Skill-Rating is equal or greater than the Linguistics check requirement, they will automatically pass. If they are 100 or less below the check requirement, they may risk to roll for a possible success.

♦ Novice-Rank Bonus
Allows the Adventurer to converse with or read a text written in a language that is not one of their own, provided they have it as a memorised language. (Normally: Adventurers can only speak and read in Common and any Racial language they start with.)

Grants the Adventurer a choice of (1 + INT) memorised languages that they can use the Linguistics check to understand or decipher.