Skill List

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Special Skills

Personal [Auto]

Personal skills often relate to the character’s racial traits and bonuses.

♦ All characters have a Skill-Focus in Personal skills. The player does not need to select this group.

Potential determines how potent a character’s racial traits and abilities perform. The required ranks and effects of these traits are often written in the race entry itself. Each point in Potential increases the number of uses or the duration of racial abilities whereas ranks in Potential upgrades traits and bonus to be even stronger.

♦ Skill Bonus: Not Applicable.
♦ Novice Bonus: Ability-dependant.
♦ Skill Perks: Ability-dependant.

The Inspiration Skill unlocks the ability to use Inspirations

♦ Skill Bonus: Increases the number of Inspirations a character can hold, starting with 3 and increases by 0.2125 Inspiration-slots per skill point beyond 20. (20 Inspirations at 100 skill-rating).
♦ Novice Bonus: Unlocks the ability to gain Small Inspirations when dropped. Can combine 3 of the same inspiration into 1 of another type or a larger version of the same type.
♦ Skill Perks: Fixed skill perk unlocks that give the user access to Medium, then Large inspirations.

The Metaforce skill determines the user's potential in using Metaforce-related abilities, including racial abilities.

♦ Skill Bonus: Gradually scales up the maximum amount of resource points for the user's Metaforce abilities.
♦ Novice Bonus: Unlocks the ability to use Metaforce skills and abilities, grants the user a base amount of points, provided they have the means to use it.
♦ Skill Perks: Grants bonuses and increases to Metaforce skills and abilities.

Class + [Combat] Skills


This group is based upon the 'Fighter' class.

This skill improves the mastery of light and one-handed melee weapons including Daggers, Swords and Claws. Also arm-mounted shields and thrown weapons and slings.

♦ Skill Bonus: Increases critical chance by 3.75% per skill point beyond 20. (+300% at 100 skill-rating).
♦ Novice Bonus: Allows Dual-Wielding of light/one-handed melee weapons.
♦ Skill Perks: Unlocks new bonuses and techniques to use with one-handed melee weapons and shields.

This skill improves the mastery of heavy and two-handed melee weapons, including great-sized weapons and tower shields. As well as two-handed projectiles such as bows and arrows

♦ Skill Bonus: Increases critical chance by 3.75% per skill point beyond 20. (+300 at 100 skill-rating).
♦ Novice Bonus: No longer take ToHit penalties for wielding heavy/two-handed weapons. (Normally, ToHit is reduced by half.)
♦ Skill Perks: Unlocks new bonuses and techniques for heavy/two-handed melee weapons.

This skill improves the mastery of Armour, Lifeguards and other worn protective gear.

♦ Skill Bonus: Increases the Defence stat of the user wielding a shield or armour by 3.75% per skill point beyond 20. (+300% at 100 skill-rating).
♦ Novice Bonus: The user can increase Defence while shielding as long as they have at least 25 AP. (Normally: the user must actively spend a standard action to guard against incoming damage, costing 50 AP).
♦ Skill Perks: Unlocks new bonuses and techniques in using shield, armour and lifeguard equipment.


This is based upon the 'Gunslinger' archtype.

The Light-Arms skill determines the proficiency and skills associated with small firearms such as firearms and cross-bows.

The Heavy-Arms skill determines the proficiency and skills associated with heavy and two-handed firearms such as shotguns, rifles and grenade-launchers.

The Gunsmithing skill grants the user to create different kinds of explosives as well as creating ammunition for Firearm weapons.


This group is based upon the Rogue class.

The Subdue skill covers techniques to deal heavy damage to foes, to knock them out or to kill them outright. Important for Assassins but also good for neutralizing threats non-lethally.

♦ Skill Bonus: Increases the bonus damage given from a Sneak attack for every skill-rating above 20. Gives 3.75% extra damage to base attack when it counts as a sneak attack. (+300% at skill-rating 100).
♦ Novice Bonus: User can now perform a Sneak-Attack, dealing lethal or non-lethal take-downs on foes.
♦ Skill Perks: User gains access to extra bonuses and ways to Subdue/Assassinate targets more quickly, efficiently or deal more damage with sneak attacks overall.

The Stealth skill helps the user stay out of sight from foes and also helps them blend into situations, even to the point of being able to hide in plain sight via disguising.

♦ Skill Bonus: Increases the amount of time and/or distance the user can move within sensory range of a target, this works whether the user is hiding out of sight, or disguised as someone else.
♦ Novice Bonus: User no longer has to roll to avoid being detected or suspicious. The User can create a basic disguise that can fool others so long as nobody becomes suspicious of them.
♦ Skill Perks: Grants bonuses and new techniques to make stealth easier or more effective, can also allow disguised users to become more convincing with their disguise or better explain away suspicion.

The Bypass skill helps the user pick locks, disarm traps or any other means of gaining access to sealed objects and environments with the use of tools or knowledge.

♦ Skill Bonus: Greatly decreases the AP required to pick locks or disarm traps so that they can bypass them faster. The user's Agility can also greatly improve completion times.
♦ Novice Bonus: User can now bypass Novice-tier locks, traps and other objects of the same tier.
♦ Skill Perks: User can bypass higher tier locks and traps according to their current rank and also gain bonuses and techniques to make bypassing easier or more effective.


This group is based upon the Ranger class.

The Tracking skill improves the character's ability to identify creatures and threats and develop ways to defend against and better subdue their favoured targets.

♦ Skill Bonus: Increases the magnitude, mitigation or damage from the benefits of the Tracking skill.
♦ Novice Bonus: User can select (1 + INT) creature types to memorize, memorized creature types will be affected by Tracking-related skills and perks.
♦ Skill Perks: Increased Ranks will add 1 more creature type to memorize and skill perks can create additional advantages for the user against the creature types memorized.

The Geography skill helps a character adapt to different biomes and locales, gaining an advantage when traversing or fighting other creatures there, as well as general knowledge about the world.

♦ Skill Bonus: Increases the magnitude, mitigation or bonuses from the benefits of the Terrain skill.
♦ Novice Bonus: User can select (1 + INT) terrain types to memorize, memorized terrain will give the user benefits for navigating and/or fighting in their memorized terrain.
♦ Skill Perks: Increased Ranks will add 1 more terrain type to memorize, and skill perks can create additional advantages for the user while inside their memorized terrain type.

The Herbology skill involves the processing and identification of various healing (and poisonous) herbs.

♦ Skill Bonus: Increases the healing (or harmful) effects of Herbs, also increases the magnitude or duration of such herbs as well.
♦ Novice Bonus: Enables the user to mix two raw herbs together and create a spray that can be used on targets. Also allows the harvesting of Harmful herbs without risk.
♦ Skill Perks: Allows the user to gain additional benefits for herbs, ability to mix three herbs together and make harmful herb mixtures more deadly.



The Guard skill covers bonuses and techniques to help users reduce the amount of damage or secondary effects from reaching them, this skill is even more effective with equipment such as shields and armour.

♦ Skill Bonus: Increases the magnitude of effects from Guard skills. Increases the damage resistance granted to the guarding character by their skill-rating above 20.
♦ Novice Bonus: User can now perform a Quick-Guard, provided they can use a standard action (50 AP) outside their turn. (Normally: A character cannot raise their guard outside of their turn).
♦ Skill Perks: User can gain new bonuses and techniques to make guarding more effective and in more situations.

The Dodge skill covers bonuses and techniques to help them evade attacks more easily and also add new ways to avoid attacks that are otherwise impossible to ignore by conventional means.

♦ Skill Bonus: Increases the magnitude of effects from Dodge skills. Increases the user's Defence/Evasion granted to the evading character by their skill-rating above 20.
♦ Novice Bonus: User can now move up to 1 space when an attacker misses their attack against the evading user.
♦ Skill Perks: User can gain new bonuses and techniques to make dodging more effective and in more situations.

The Escape skill covers bonuses and techniques to rid the user of negative effects and/or enemy attacks.

♦ Skill Bonus: Increases the modifier used for characters to escape from holds and/or negative-side effects when applicable.
♦ Novice Bonus: User can now apply their Escape skill-rating bonus to 'Escape checks', often used to get rid of status ailments faster or to escape potentially deadly scenarios against creatures.
♦ Skill Perks: User can gain new bonuses and techniques to make escaping from physical and mental status effects easier or escaping from creatures and traps.

[Metaforce] Skills

Martial Arts

[Metaforce]: This group grants Ki points (Ki).
This group is based upon the Monk class.

This skill improves the mastery of unarmed combat and techniques to strike foes with their arms, legs or even their whole body.

♦ Skill Bonus: Increases critical chance by 3.75% per skill point beyond 20. (+300% at 100 skill-rating).
♦ Novice Bonus: No longer reduces damage dealt to foes wearing or possessing any kind of armour or armour-rating. (Normally: If the target has 1 or more AR, unarmed strikes deal half damage.)
♦ Skill Perks: Unlocks new bonuses and special techniques to striking opponents unarmed.

This skill grants additional fighting styles to the user's known use of stances, styles give different bonuses and unarmed strike attacks.

♦ Skill Bonus: ????
♦ Novice Bonus: Grants the user one style to be able to use while using Martial-Arts techniques, additional ranks allows Stance-switching and additional styles.
♦ Skill Perks: As above, unlocks additional styles and the ability to switch styles with additional bonuses and effects.


[Metaforce]: This group grants Spell Points (SP).
This group is based upon multiple spellcasting classes.

The Spellcast skill determines how strong the spellcaster's spells are, additional ranks unlocks new metamagic they can use to enhance their spells, up to the maximum level they can manifest.

♦ Skill Bonus: Increases the magnitude of spell effects by 3.75% per point beyond 20.
♦ Novice Bonus: User can increase a spell's level by 2 to increase the spell's size by one size category.
♦ Skill Perks: User can select Metamagic to increase a spells level by a certain amount to add different effects.

The Spellcraft skill allows a Spellcaster to learn new and more powerful spells, the higher their rank the higher the spell level they can cast, they can also learn new spells

♦ Skill Bonus: Increases the number of spells the user can memorize at one time. Base amount is (Character level + (Spellcraft skill-points / 5)).
♦ Novice Bonus: User can cast 0th and 1st level spells.
♦ Skill Perks: Every rank beyond Novice unlocks 2 more spell levels. Competent unlocks 2nd and 3rd, Adept unlocks 4th and 5th, Expert unlocks 6th and 7th and Master unlocks 8th and 9th.


[Metaforce]: This group grants Psionic Points (PP).
This group is based upon Psionic classes.

The Actualization skill controls the magnitude of a Psion's powers, the greater the skill the more powerful their Psionics become.

♦ Skill Bonus: ...
♦ Novice Bonus: Can use 1 enhancement that a Psionic power can be augmented with.
♦ Skill Perks: Allows the user to use more than 1 psionic enhancement and also grant discounts for enhancing psionic powers.

The Autohypnosis skill is important for Psions to train their focus and be able to learn new powers. The higher their rank, the greater the Psionic powers they can manifest.

♦ Skill Bonus: ...
♦ Novice Bonus: User can manifest 0th and 1st level psionic powers.
♦ Skill Perks: Every rank beyond Novice unlocks 2 more psionic levels. Competent unlocks 2nd and 3rd, Adept unlocks 4th and 5th, Expert unlocks 6th and 7th and Master unlocks 8th and 9th.


[Metaforce]: This group grants Spell points (SP).
This group is based upon the Bard class.
  • Talent
  • Creativity

Practical Skills


The Persuade skill determines how capable the user is at creating social opportunities using diplomacy or charm. In combat, Persuade allows the user to make enemies go easier on them.

The Deceive skill determines how capable the user is at creating social opportunities by lying to or manipulating others by deceit. In combat, Deceive can be used to trick enemies into lowering their guard.

The Intimidate skill determines how capable the user is at creating social opportunities by being direct or coercing others to comply. In combat, Intimidate can prevent enemies from attacking first.


This skill group focuses on the ability to analyse objects, environments and creatures, uncovering secret/hidden elements and being able to passively notice things at a glance. This can be a very important skill group for adventurers, but it’s especially useful for dedicated investigators as their keen eye for detail can reveal clues and secrets that would have gone unnoticed.

This skill is used to determine the value, properties and even function of various items and equipment, especially when it’s not already identified by reliable sources. While certain objects and equipment may be too advanced to understand or come from secret factions or creators, the Appraise skill can at least identify characteristics more similar to what is commonly known to the user.

♦ At Novice rank: The user will automatically examine any items or equipment they pick up or look at without calling for a skill-check.
(Normally: When an item or equipment is picked up, and they do not call to examine it, the item will be given a vague name and description.

The Investigate skill is highly useful for getting clues on the environment and its features. Whether it’s being able to take in all the unusual details of a room to noticing something is trapped, the Investigation skill is vital to making sure you know what you’re walking into at a glance and being able to reveal hidden features within them.

♦ At Novice rank: The character may pick up on contextual clues in the environment automatically without calling for a skill check.
(Normally: They must call for a Skill-check to notice obvious things about the environment)

The Insight skill is highly useful for getting clues on creatures both intelligent and animal. Whereas Social skills are about trying to influence and manipulate others, Insight is designed to tell whether someone is influencing or manipulating you. In combat the Insight skill can also help characters against predictable foes.

♦ At Novice rank: The character may pick up upon any contextual clues regarding creatures and humanoids automatically without calling for a skill check.
(Normally: They must call for a Skill-check to notice something obvious about creatures and humanoids.)


The Acrobatics skill determines the user's ability to move and navigate difficult terrain with speed and grace. Generally used for advanced movement and mobility checks.

The Aerobics skill focuses on the character's core physical strength and endurance to navigate difficult terrain, such as climbing and swimming.


The Construct skill focuses upon the construction and repair of equipment and objects.

The Mechanics skill allows the user to modify existing equipment and objects to grant additional effectiveness.


The Academics skill allows the user to know objectives things about topics such as Magic, Engineering, History and Religion.

The Culture skill allows the user to know subjective things you can find in a book, such as how the local act and dungeoneering tricks.

The Linguistics skill allows the user to be able to speak, listen, read or write other languages spoken or written by others and can make them multi-linguial.