Perks List

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This is the start of the Perk list for the Viridian-Fantasy TTRPG. Perks are subject to changes over time at this early stage, so do be careful to check back to make sure your Perks functions the way you want to, as well as being able to meet their requirements.

The Perks stated below are not affected by Size-Rating by default, unless otherwise stated.

Perks granted by Archetypes are given to a character even if they do not meet the requirements. The requirements apply to all other characters who do not possess the Archetype.

Requirements in Bold or as a Wiki link refer to Perks.


Perk Name: The official name of the Perk, also used in reference to other Perk requirements.

Requirements: The Adventurer must have whatever is listed here in order to obtain (and continue using) this Perk. If any conditions are not met due to effects of gameplay, this Perk is suppressed until it is not the case.

Type: Defines the type of Perk being mentioned, this field may be important in the case of which Perks qualify for certain choices, such as 'Combat' Perks counting any time a reward says 'Any Combat Perk'.

Effect: Explains the functionality of the Perk in brief. For more elaborate explanations and rulings, a page may be created for it. This will be available in the Perk Name as a Wiki-link if this is the case.

Universal Perks

Perk Name Requirements Type Effect
Health Perks
Pain-Tolerance +1 Endurance Survival
  • The Adventurer now gains 8 base Maximum HP based on their Endurance attribute score (instead of 6).
  • 32 Max-HP at +0 Endurance, +8 Max-HP per Endurance point.
> High Pain-Tolerance
  • +3 Endurance,
  • Pain-Tolerance
  • The Adventurer now gains 10 base Maximum HP based on their Endurance attribute score (instead of 6).
  • 40 Max-HP at +0 Endurance, +10 Max-HP per Endurance point.
  • Replaces the effects of Pain-Tolerance.
>> Super Pain-Tolerance
  • +5 Endurance,
  • High Pain-Tolerance
  • The Adventurer now gains 12 base Maximum HP based on their Endurance attribute score (instead of 6).
  • 48 Max-HP at +0 Endurance, +12 Max-HP per Endurance point.
  • Replaces the effects of High Pain-Tolerance.
Metaforce Perks
Expanded Energy
  • 30 Skill-Rating in the Metaforce Skill
Metaforce Grants Adventurer +1 Max Meta-Points equal to half their Character Level. (rounded up)
> Super Expansive Energy
  • 60 Skill-Rating in the Metaforce Skill
  • Expansive Energy
  • Grants Adventurer +1 Max Meta-Points equal to their Character Level.
  • Replaces Expansive Energy.
Survival Perks
  • +1 Endurance
Survival If an Adventurer is struck with a Finishing Blow and fails their Physiological Save, their HP is reduced to 1 instead of none. This can only occur once per Rest.
> Die-Harder
  • +3 Endurance,
  • Die-Hard
Survival If an Adventurer is struck with a Finishing Blow and succeeds their Physiological save, they will gain HP equal to their Endurance score. This can only occur once per Rest.
>> Just Won't Die
  • +5 Endurance
  • Die-Harder
  • The Adventurer can remain active at negative health equal to their Endurance attribute score (without falling unconcious).
  • The Adventurer's negative health limit (without dying) is increased by their Endurance score (normally: -10 HP).
  • This Perk's numerical values are affected by Size-Rating.
Combat Manoeuvre Perks
Improved Trip +1 Strength Combat When an Adventurer executes the Trip action, they:

• Gain a +10 bonus to the Trip check, and
• No longer lose Action-Points upon failing the Trip check.

Improved Feint 20 Skill-Rating in Deception Skill Combat When the Adventurer executes the Feint action, they:

• Gain a +10 bonus to the Feint check, and
• No longer lose Action-Points upon failing the Trip check.

Social Perks
Haggle 40 Skill-Rating in Persuasion Skill Social, Utility
  • The Adventurer can get a percentage discount equal to 1/4th their Persuasion Skill-Rating from general vendors.
  • The Adventurer gains a +10 Persuasion Skill-Rating bonus per Persuasion Skill-Rank when negotiating deals with individuals in a live scenario.
  • 20 Skill-Rating in Persuasion, Deception or Intimidation Skill(s)
  • +1 Charisma
Social, Utility

When the Adventurer fails a Social check that would cause target(s) to become hostile or less favourable:

  • The Adventurer can roll a Diplomacy check with the same Social Skill in order to negate the negative effects of failing the previous Social check.
  • This perk can only be used a number of times equal to their Charisma attribute score per social encounter (Resets when interacting with different individuals).

Archetype Perks

Archetype Perks are specialized bonuses and abilities granted to certain Archetypes for free. Other Adventurers are free to pick these perks as well, so long as they meet the requirements.

If an Adventurer acquires another Archetype, but purchased a Perk using Progression-Points, they are refunded the P-Point spent on the duplicate Perk. But if they receive a duplicate Perk that was rewarded by an Archetype, the Adventure only receives 2 P-Points per duplicate Perk.

Archetype Perks
Martial Weapon Training 20 Skill-Rating in any 'Weapon' Skill Combat, Archetype: Fighter
  • The Adventurer gains a +5 ToHit bonus per Character-Level when using Simple and Martial melee weapons to attack.
Armour Training - Archetype: Fighter
  • This Perk reduces the Load-Point cost of wearing heavy outfits and armours by 15 points.
Battle-Focus +1 Charisma Combat, Archetype: Fighter, Barbarian

Standard Action (50AP): Allows the Adventurer to enter Battle-Focus, this is a channelled ability with a 25 AP cost every turn-start phase, while active:

  • The Adventurer's direct damage and spread dealt by attacks is increased by +2,
  • The Adventurer regains 1HP for each time they take damage (max: once per action),
  • The Adventurer gains 25 Action-Points each time they defeat an enemy unit in combat.
Thrill of Battle +2 Charisma Combat, Archetype: Barbarian When the Adventurer defeats a creature in combat:
  • The Adventure regains 1 HP for each enemy unit defeated in battle.
    • If the enemy unit is a larger Size-Rating than the Adventurer, this bonus is increased by the Size-Difference multiplier of the defeated target.
CQC Training Combat, Archetype: Monk • The Adventurer gains a +5 ToHit bonus per Character-Level when using Unarmed-Strike attacks.
Weapon-Throw Training 20 Skill Rating in One-handed Skill Combat, Archetype: Monk, Shinobi • The Adventurer gains a +5 ToHit bonus per Character-Level when throwing Projectile Weapons as attacks.
Swift Sprint Combat, Archetype: Monk, Shinobi The Adventurer's base movement speed is increased by 1 step, plus 1 step at 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th level. If the Adventurer's Load-Point status is Heavy or more, this Perk's effect is suppressed. This bonus is affected by Size-Rating.
Flow Training 20 Skill-Rating in the Acrobatics Skill Archetype: Monk, Shinobi
  • The Adventurer can navigate over, around and under terrain and obstacles at a 60% Action-Point Discount. With this Perk, It only costs 10 AP to navigate over difficult terrain and obstacles without reducing the distance they can move instead of 25.
Stealth Training 20 Skill-Rating in Stealth Skill Archetype: Rogue, Shinobi
  • The Adventurer can move without rolling for Stealth checks at a rate of 1 step per 15 Skill-Rating instead of 25.
  • Reduces the Adventurer's Stealth Skill/Check penalties by 20%, due to Size or any other effects.
Magic Missile 20 Skill-Rating in any Metaforce Skill Metaforce, Archetype: Wizard, Sorcerer Quick-Action (25AP): Allows the Adventurer to use Magic Missile, a ranged metaforce attack that fires a projectile dealing 4+d4 damage. This projectile ignores all non-magical damage-reduction.
Concentration 20 Skill-Rating in any Metaforce Skill Metaforce, Archetype: Wizard, Sorcerer
  • The Adventurer gains a bonus equal to the appropriate Metaforce-Skill used for their Spell, when rolling for checks against breaking their concentration for Advanced-Actions involving Spellcasting.
  • They also gain a +5 AP bonus per Character-Level to channelling Action-Points into Advanced Actions per end and start phase for the spellcaster's turns.
Vital Strike 20 Skill-Rating in the Subdue Skill Combat, Archetype: Rogue, Shinobi Standard-Action (50AP): Allows the Adventurer to use Vital-Strike, a melee physical attack that can deal 3x more damage when striking unaware and/or vulnerable targets. Successful Vital-Strikes also have a +25 increase to the physiological save check of victims to resist a Finishing Blow.
Firearm Training 20 Skill-Rating in the Firearm(s) Skill Combat, Archetype: Ranger, Gunslinger, Detective The Adventurer gains a +5 Tohit bonus per Character-Level when using Firearm weapon attacks.
Fast Reload 20 Skill-Rating in the Firearm(s) Skill Combat, Archetype: Range, Gunslinger, Detective Reloading Firearm-type weapons is now a Quick-Action (25AP) instead of a Standard Action (50AP).
Craft Ammunition 20 Skill-Rating in Firearm(s) and Engineering Skill Craft, Archetype: Gunslinger The Adventurer can craft more ammo for their Firearms at a rate of one reload's worth for a single firearm for 10 Gold coins, when they have access to vendors and a place to craft. Cost scales with Firearm's intended-wielder size.
Field Tailoring 40 Skill-Rating in the Fabrication Skill Craft, Archetype: Artificer
  • The Adventurer can make adjustments to existing Outfits and Equipment in the field without the need for a work-bench or station, provided they have the outfit-mod at hand.
  • The Adventurer can also make repairs to Outfits and Equipment on the field without a work-bench or station, so long as they have the materials at hand to commit resources.
Innovative Tailoring 20 Skill-Rating in the Fabrication Skill Craft, Archetype: Artificer
  • The Adventurer is capable of creating new Outfit and Weapon Customisation mods, based on known blueprints and designs, and resources permitting.
Improved Salvaging 20 Skill-Rating in the Fabrication Skill Craft, Utility, Archetype: Artificer
  • The Adventurer gains +0.625% extra units of salvage materials from mechanical devices and creatures per Fabrication Skill-Rating point, rounded down.
  • Reduces the target-number the Adventurer's needs to roll for a Rare salvage reward when rolling the Rare-salvage reward by 20% of their Fabrication Skill-Rating, rounded down. (Normally, Rare salvage is reward for rolling a 96 or better.)

Skill Perks

One Handed Arms
One-Handed Arms Training 20 Skill-Rating in One Handed Arms Skill Combat, Skill
  • The Adventurer gains a ToHit bonus equal to 1/4th their One Handed Arms Skill-Rating when using and/or attacking with weapons of the One Handed Arms category.
> Advanced Combat Training
  • 40 Skill-Rating in One-Handed Arms Skill
  • +3 Perception
  • One-Handed Arms Training
Combat, Skill
The Adventurer must specify a single type of One-Handed Weapon, once a choice has been made:
  • The Adventurer gains a ToHit bonus equal to 1/4th of their One-Handed Arms Skill-Rating when using the type of One-Handed Weapon specified.
  • This perk can be taken multiple times, each time they do: They can specify another One-Handed Weapon-type to receive this effect.
  • This stacks with One-Handed Arms Training.
Deadly Precision
  • 40 Skill-Rating in One-Handed Arms skill.
  • One-Handed Arms Training
Combat, Skill
The Adventurer must specify a single type of One-Handed Weapon, once a choice has been made:
  • The d100 target to score a critical hit is reduced by 1 per One-Handed Arms Skill-Rank for the Weapon-type specified.
  • Critical-Hit Damage is increased by +20% of the attack's base direct-damage per One-Handed Arms Skill-Rank for the Weapon-type specified.
  • This perk can be taken multiple times, each time they do, they can specify another One-Handed Weapon-type to receive this effect.
Dual-Wielding 40 Skill-Rating in One Handed Arms skill Combat, Skill
  • Allows the Adventurer to attack with a second one-handed weapon as a Quick-Action (25AP), after executing a Standard Attack with their primary one-handed weapon.
Two Handed Arms