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Revision as of 15:38, 5 December 2021

This page is under development.

Physical Description

Resembling gigantic humanoids with varying skin hues (Red, Green, Blue, Grey, Tan), large jaws, heavy brows and big pointed ears. Physically robust with powerful arms and legs and broad frames, they display surprising agility in climbing and leaping. Their powerful immune system not only protects them from most diseases but also gives them a healing factor that allow them to restore lost limbs.

Culture & Social

Ravenni are a proud people who reside primarily in massive forest and jungles where giants like themselves can thrive. Generally hunters and gatherers, they hunt gigantic animals to feed their insatiable growth in both size and number. Their contributions to trade stem primarily from the creation of herbal mixtures and potions, some of which can be used recreationally. With boundless energy, Ravenni love to wrestle and prove their strength and stamina in games.


Typing a sentence long enough in order to make sure the content is aligned correctly for testing purposes.

Roleplaying Suggestions

And even more writing long enough in order to make sure the content is aligned correctly for testing purposes.

Race Meta

  • Ravenni are sometimes known as Giant Orcs or Ogres.
  • Ravenni stand between the heights of 96ft and 120ft. Their size is Colossal (16).
  • Genus: Goblinoid
  • Faction(s): Viridian Republic

Racial Traits & Archetypes



Ravenni are a massive and powerful force of nature, ones born into this world pay a heavy price.

• Ravenni gain a +3 attribute bonus to Strength and Endurance.

Reckless Trample

Ravenni have massive feet that are wide and dense, this makes them even more effective at trampling and crushing foes but unfortunately allies as well...

• Ravenni gain a 100% damage bonus when using a trample attack on a downed foe who is one or more sizes smaller than they are.
     > This bonus damage also applies to all creatures 2 sizes smaller than they are when crossing through spaces they occupy.
     > This ability does not distinguish between friend and foe, moving through friendly units will trample them as if they were the enemy.

Hyper Regeneration

Ravenni have incredibly high metabolisms that accelerate self-healing, however it also accelerates other beneficial effects as well.

When the Ravenni takes any damage: they can spend 5 MP per round to regenerate 1% of their maximum health per round until their HP is full, or they run out of SP.
     When the Ravenni is subjected to a biological status (Bleeding, Poison), they lose X SP to recover the status automatically on their next turn. If they do not have SP left, nothing happens.
     When the Ravenni suffers life-threatening injuries or catastrophic damage to limbs (except the head), they spend 5 MP to regenerate whatever organs or limbs required to become well again. If the Ravenni lacks the SP, they lose HP instead, if they lack HP, they cannot regenerate.

This ability is non-optional and activates each time the conditions are met, until the Ravenni has no more SP to spend regenerating.