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Inventory Management is an aspect of adventuring that adventurers will need to learn and master quickly in order to stay equipped for the situation and carry important items, while not overloading themselves. The number of possible items that can be held by an adventurer, as well as the limits and penalties associated with it, can be determined with Load-Points.

Load-Points (LP) is a game mechanic that accounts for item weight, including its overall size, to calculate a character's encumbrance. The more items and equipment an Adventurer carries, the slower they move and the heavier the penalty will be using certain Skill checks. If they become Overloaded, they will suffer a severe penalty that persists until they carry less than their maximum load. There are a few different thresholds of encumbrance, including No/Light-Load which incurs no penalty to the Adventurer. An Adventurer with a high Strength attribute can increase the thresholds of encumbrance to carry more items, or potentially reduce the encumbrance for the same amount of items. Some Outfit customisations can increase the maximum Load of an Adventurer, but may not increase the thresholds that govern encumbrance penalties. Equipment such as Armours and Weapons tend to have higher Load-Point values compared to standalone items and influences encumbrance the most.

Items and Equipment have a Size property which helps indicate the intended size of its user, by default most standalone Items are treated as Size 1 (Medium), whereas Worn and Wielded equipment tend to designed to be usable to a certain Size of Adventurer. Extra-Large and Tiny Adventurers require equipment made for their in order to use them properly, whereas carrying items as a different size category can affect the Load-Point value of said item if they are not the same size category.

For example: When an Item or Equipment's size is twice that of the Adventurer, the Load-Point value is doubled. Whereas, if the Item/Equipment's size is half of the Adventurer's, the Load-Point value is halved.

Encumbrance Thresholds

  • Adventurers with no equipment or items held have a Load-Point Total of 0.
  • Items and Equipment carried by an Adventurer adds Load-Points to the total, if total Load-Points exceeds a threshold.
  • 'Certain Skills' can refer to, but not limited to, the Athletics and Stealth skill groups.
No Load
• Applies below 30 Load-Points.
• No Penalties.

Light Load
• Applies at 30 Load-Points onwards.
• 0.667x movement speed.

Heavy Load
• Applies at 70 Load-Points onwards.
• 0.5x movement speed (rounded down)
• -20 penalty to certain Skill checks.

• Applies at 100.25 or more Load-Points.
• 0.166x movement speed
• Certain Skill checks will be treated as if the Adventurer rolled a 1 each time they attempt a check, including the -30 penalty to certain Skill checks.
  • When reducing movement speed: movement is rounded to the nearest 1-step/5ft increment, by at least 5ft, and no lower than 5ft.
    • ex. If base movement is 30ft, then 0.66x penalty will reduce movement to 20ft. 20ft becomes 15ft. But if 15ft is reduced by 0.166x, then it becomes 5ft regardless of rounding.
  • The Load-Point thresholds listed above are increased by 10 points each for every point of Strength the Adventurer possesses.
  • Some bonuses may increase an Adventurer's Maximum Load-Points (threshold for Overloaded status) but may not increase thresholds into Light and Heavy load unless specified.

Item and Equipment Sizing

When determining Load-Point cost for items and equipment, as well as the usability of equipment between Adventurers, Players should know that Items and Equipment are usually keyed towards the Size of the Intended Wielder.

  • Items are assumed to be keyed for a Medium-sized (Size 1) creature by default, unless specified otherwise.

Equipment rules by Size

  • Equipment (Worn or Wielded) usually state what Size their intended wielder should be.
  • Adventurers may not be able to use weapons or held equipment effectively if the equipment's size is not intended for their size.
    • Worn Equipment like Outfits and Armour may not be worn if it is keyed to a size above or below the Adventurer's own size category.
    • Wielding weapons that are below the Adventurer's own size-category may be usable, but lack the power and effectiveness of its appropriately-sized counterparts.
    • Wielding weapons that are above the Adventurer's own size-category may incur heavy penalties to use them, or be unusable entirely if the gap between Adventurer and Equipment is too great.

Load-Point modification by Size

  • Load-Point values for Items and Equipment is multiple-squared by the Size-Difference between Adventurer and the Item (2*2, 4*4...etc)
    • Items and Equipment that is made for a creature twice as large will have a Load-Point four times higher than it's listed Load-Point value.
    • Items and Equipment that is made for a creature half their size will have a Load-Point four times smaller than it's listed Load-Point value.

Additional Rules and Guides

Spaceless Items
Some items are small and light enough there's no point keeping track of them, and can be treated as spaceless and weightless for the purposes of determining load.

  • Examples include Paper-like Maps, Scripts and Notes. Which have negliable weight and can be compacted down.

Stacking Items
Some items are small enough that in order for it to properly conform to the Load-Point system without frustrating players, such items can 'stack' in the same space at once. A stackable item will have an extra property known as a Stack limit.

  • Stackable items will have a fixed Load-Point value regardless of how many of the Item the Adventurer possesses, up to its Stack Limit.
    • If an item can be stacked up to 20 times, and its Load-Point value is 1. That item will have an LP of 1 even if you only hold one copy of that item!
      • But if an Adventurer picks up more of the same item, the Load-Point value will not increase picking up those extra items.
  • When an Adventurer picks up an item and exceeds its Stack Limit, the next item will increase the Adventurer's Load-Point Total to compensate.
    • Adventurers are not normally restricted from having multiple stacks of items, so long as the Load-Point values are added properly to their Total.
Roleplaying note: This ruling is explained as creating enough room for that specific item in your inventory ahead of time. Remember: Load-Points are an abstraction of Size and Space, not just weight!