Damage Types

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In combat, characters and NPCs will use attacks with various Damage Types that can be reduced or increased based on a number of factors. Targets with weaknesses to certain damage types will take extra damage while targets with resistances will take less damage. Characters with Armour-Rating may also modify damage taken based on the damage type it resists.

Damage Types


The most common damage type for attacks. Produced by unarmed strikes, regular melee, ranged and improvised weapons. Physical attacks are separated into three sub-types: Blunt, Sharp and Pierce. Physical attacks have the natural ability to deal Critical hits, though this is a property of the weapon/attack and not necessarily the damage type.

♦ Physical Damage types are always resisted by Armour-Rating when damage types are unspecified.
♦ When a property refers to 'Physical' with no subtyping, assume it means all Physical subtypes.

Subtype: Blunt
Physical: Blunt refers to a damage type that is flat, rounded or bludgeoning in nature. Unarmed strikes, Clubs and thrown stones often fit this subtype.

Subtype: Sharp
Physical: Sharp refers to damage from attacks that are narrow and cutting in nature. Swords, Axes, Claws...ect often fit this subtype.

Subtype: Pierce
Physical: Pierce references to damage from attacks that are pin-point and precise in nature. Firearms, Shuriken, Throwing-Knives and Sharp weapons used in certain ways often fit this subtype.


Heat damage is part of the elemental set that is closely associated with Fire.

♦ Heat counts as a synonym for Elemental.

♦ Can inflict Ignite and Burn status effects if the target does not resist Heat damage.
     Ignite: Set target on fire, dealing Heat damage over time until extinguished.
     Burn: Lasting damage due to Heat damage, Burned targets take a small amount of damage each time they take an action/command aside from movement. A persistent status effect.


Cold damage is part of the elemental set that is closely associated with Ice.

♦ Cold counts as a synonym for Elemental.

♦ Can inflict Chill and Freeze status effects if the target does not resist Cold damage.
      Chill: Partially freezes target, reducing their movement speed by half and doubling the Action-Point cost to commands.
      Freeze: Completely freezes target solid, preventing them from taking any action until thawed.


Wind damage is part of the elemental set that is closely associated with... Wind!

♦ Wind counts as a synonym for Elemental.

♦ Can inflict Stagger and Knock/Down effects if the target does not resist Wind damage.
      Stagger: Prevents the target from being able to use Guard or Dodge skills/commands, inflicting Stagger on a Staggered target inflicts Knock.
      Knock/Down: Causes the target to fall to the ground defenceless and/or send them in a certain direction dictated by the event that caused it.


Electric damage is part of the elemental set that is closely associated with Electricity.

♦ Electric counts as a synonym for Elemental.

♦ Can inflict the Shock status effect is the target does not resist Electric damage.
      Shock: Causes the user to take electric damage over time, other targets within natural reach of the target may also take electric damage over time.


Psychic damage is closely associated with Psionics.

♦ Psychic attacks do not normally inflict status effects, instead they deal bonus damage to targets afflicted with Psychological status ailments.


Nuclear damage is closely associated with Nuclear Energy.

♦ Nuclear attacks do not normally inflict status effects, instead they deal bonus damage to targets afflicted with Physiological status ailments.




Metaforce damage is the essence of the Metaforce and supersedes all other damage types.

♦ Metaforce attacks cannot exploit elemental weaknesses or inflict status effects by itself, but Metaforce attacks cannot be resisted by normal means.