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==Inventory Space and Rules==
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The inventory system is roughly grid-based and determines how many items a character can hold. The effective carrying capacity of a character is determined by the combination of their character size, their strength value and their carry-capacity. Especially small or large items may take less than or more than a single slot.
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'''Inventory Management''' is an aspect of adventuring that adventurers will need to learn and master quickly in order to stay equipped for the situation and carry important items, while not overloading themselves. The number of possible items that can be held by an adventurer, as well as the limits and penalties associated with it, can be determined with '''Load-Points'''.

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<code>'''Load-Points (LP)'''</code> is a game mechanic that accounts for item weight, including its overall size, to calculate a character's '''encumbrance'''. The more items and equipment an Adventurer carries, the '''slower they move''' and '''the heavier the penalty will be using certain Skill checks'''. If they become Overloaded, they will suffer a '''severe penalty''' that persists until they carry less than their maximum load. There are a few different thresholds of encumbrance, including No/Light-Load which incurs no penalty to the Adventurer. An Adventurer with a high [[Attributes|Strength]] attribute can increase the thresholds of encumbrance to carry more items, or potentially reduce the encumbrance for the same amount of items. Some [[Outfit]] '''customisations''' can increase the maximum Load of an Adventurer, but '''may not increase''' the thresholds that govern encumbrance penalties. Equipment such as Armours and Weapons tend to have higher Load-Point values compared to standalone items and influences encumbrance the most.  
! Character Size
! Inventory Slots (Base)
! Max Item Size (in Spaces)
| Medium
| 4 Spaces
| Max. 4 Spaces
| Smaller
| -1 Space
| Max. 2 Space
| Larger
| x2 Spaces
| Max. 8 Spaces

'''Item Size/Space'''
Items and Equipment have a Size property which helps indicate the intended size of its user, by default most standalone Items are treated as '''<code>Size 1 (Medium)</code>''', whereas Worn and Wielded equipment tend to designed to be usable to a certain [[Size]] of Adventurer. Extra-Large and Tiny Adventurers require equipment made for their in order to use them properly, whereas carrying items as a different size category can affect the Load-Point value of said item if they are not the same size category.
* The size of an item inside a character's inventory is determined by 'Space'. The total Space of items held cannot exceed the character's Max-Space value. Max-Space is determined by the character's base size and then by the means to carry items such as their clothing, bags and containers.
* The item will usually describe how much Space it takes up if Picked Up by a character. Although Items are measured in Spaces, they can be multiples or fractions depending on their overall size and encumbrance.
** Especially small items will often be fractions of an Item space to carry, such as 0.5 or even 0.25 (though no smaller than 0.25, even if it should technically be less).
** Especially large items will be multiples of an Item space to carry, such as 1.5, 2.0, 3.0...ect.
*** For very large items, take note if your character is capable of picking the item up, if the item's Space exceeds your character's size category it can only be manipulated externally and they will not be able to carry it as part of their inventory.

'''Item Stacking'''
For example: When an Item or Equipment's size is twice that of the Adventurer, the '''Load-Point value is doubled'''. Whereas, if the Item/Equipment's size is half of the Adventurer's, the '''Load-Point value is halved'''.
* Some items such as ammunition, currency and other 'small but numerous' objects may have the quality to be stacked in one entry in your character's inventory, not only saving space but also keeping the same item grouped up in one place. But not all items can stack and even the ones that do have a limit to how many can be stacked into a single Space before another Space is needed to handle the overflow.
* All stackable items have a stack limit, when the limit is exceeded, the remainder is either put into another item Space or left where it was Picked-up.
** Ex: If a stack has a maximum of 60, you have 40 and pick up a stack of 40. The first stack will max out at 60 and then you must have Space available to take the other remaining 20.
* The 3-stack rule: An item that is normally 0.5 Spaces can become a stack of 3 that takes up 1 Space. Normally you would have to use 1.5 Spaces if this exception did not exist. This only applies to items with '3-Stack' as a property.

'''Item's 'Intended User' Size'''
=Encumbrance Thresholds=
* Because characters range from human size down to Small and Giant. Not all items are intended to be used for differently sized users. When items scale up or down, the item's Space also changes.
* Adventurers with no equipment or items held have a Load-Point Total of <code>0</code>.
** For every size category smaller than the item's normal Space, its Space is halved (conforming to the nearest increment of 0.25). When an item has a Space of 0.25, it cannot become smaller.
* Items and Equipment carried by an Adventurer adds Load-Points to the total, if total Load-Points exceeds a threshold.
** For every size category larger than the item's normal Space, its Space is doubled.
* 'Certain Skills' can refer to, but not limited to, the '''Athletics''' and '''Stealth''' skill groups.

==Item Commands==
'''No Load'''
* PICK-UP: The specific term for identifying found items and acquiring them. Typically an empty slot is required to take the item into your inventory.
• Applies below 30 Load-Points.
** As part of the Pick-up action, you may USE, COMBINE or EXAMINE the item first before it goes into the inventory. If you cannot or will not pick the item, it is left where you found it.
• No Penalties.
** If the item found is a stack, the stack may combine with the same type of item in your inventory to store them. Overflow is either left in a new empty slot or the remainder is left where you found it.
'''Light Load'''
• Applies at 30 Load-Points onwards.
• 0.667x movement speed.
'''Heavy Load'''
• Applies at 70 Load-Points onwards.
• 0.5x movement speed (rounded down)
• -20 penalty to certain Skill checks.
'''Max Load (Overloaded)'''
• Applies at 100.25 or more Load-Points.
• 0.166x movement speed
• Certain Skill checks will be treated as if the Adventurer rolled a 1 each time they attempt a check, including the -30 penalty to certain Skill checks.
* When reducing movement speed: movement is rounded to the nearest 1-step/5ft increment, by at least 5ft, and no lower than 5ft.
** ex. If base movement is 30ft, then 0.66x penalty will reduce movement to 20ft. 20ft becomes 15ft. But if 15ft is reduced by 0.166x, then it becomes 5ft regardless of rounding.
* The Load-Point thresholds listed above are increased by 10 points each for every point of '''Strength''' the Adventurer possesses.
* Some bonuses may increase an Adventurer's Maximum Load-Points (threshold for Overloaded status) but may not increase thresholds into Light and Heavy load unless specified.
=Item and Equipment Sizing=
When determining Load-Point cost for items and equipment, as well as the usability of equipment between Adventurers, Players should know that Items and Equipment are usually keyed towards the <code>Size of the Intended Wielder</code>.
* Items are assumed to be keyed for a '''Medium-sized (Size 1)''' creature by default, unless specified otherwise.
'''Equipment rules by Size'''
* Equipment (Worn or Wielded) usually state what Size their intended wielder should be.
* Adventurers may not be able to use weapons or held equipment effectively if the equipment's size is not intended for their size.
** Worn Equipment like Outfits and Armour may not be worn if it is keyed to a size above or below the Adventurer's own size category.
** Wielding weapons that are below the Adventurer's own size-category may be usable, but lack the power and effectiveness of its appropriately-sized counterparts.
** Wielding weapons that are above the Adventurer's own size-category may incur heavy penalties to use them, or be unusable entirely if the gap between Adventurer and Equipment is too great.
'''Load-Point modification by Size'''
* Load-Point values for Items and Equipment is multiple-squared by the Size-Difference between Adventurer and the Item (2*2, 4*4...etc)
** Items and Equipment that is made for a creature twice as large will have a Load-Point '''four times higher''' than it's listed Load-Point value.
** Items and Equipment that is made for a creature half their size will have a Load-Point '''four times smaller''' than it's listed Load-Point value.

* USE: If the item can be used immediately without context, you trigger whatever effect happens when the item is used.
=Additional Rules and Guides=
** At times there will be contextual contact points where an item can be used, the correct item will cause something to happen (under the right conditions), the item may or may not be consumed upon use. (A Key can be used at a door but not by itself. A key may be left in your inventory but another key item may be left in the contact point and be removed from your inventory)
'''Spaceless Items'''<br>
* COMBINE: Whether you mix items together or use one item on another, this command makes the two items interact. You may be informed which items the first one can combine with.
Some items are small and light enough there's no point keeping track of them, and can be treated as spaceless and weightless for the purposes of determining load.
** While ammunition certainly does go alongside the weapons that use them, your character must perform a 'Reload' action rather than combine the ammo to the weapon in question.
* Examples include Paper-like Maps, Scripts and Notes. Which have negliable weight and can be compacted down.
* EXAMINE: You can look at an item in greater detail than the initial description grants. Some items have secrets or different uses/interpretations by examining them properly.
** If a secret or interactable aspect of an item is found while examining, it can alter the properties of the item, including its ability to be used or combined.
** Some items are containers, examining the item to open it may reveal its contents and the container will be automatically discarded unless specified.
* DISCARD: You can remove the item from your inventory, it will disappear. Key items cannot be discarded until they become useless.
* GIVE: You willingly allow someone to take an item you specify from you. The item leaves your inventory and can be added to another.

==Item List==
'''Stacking Items'''<br>
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Some items are small enough that in order for it to properly conform to the Load-Point system without frustrating players, such items can 'stack' in the same space at once. A stackable item will have an extra property known as a '''<code>Stack limit</code>'''.
! width="150px" | Name
* Stackable items will have a fixed Load-Point value regardless of how many of the Item the Adventurer possesses, up to its '''Stack Limit'''.
! Space
** If an item can be stacked up to <code>20</code> times, and its Load-Point value is <code>1</code>. That item will have an LP of 1 even if you only hold one copy of that item!
! Type
*** But if an Adventurer picks up more of the same item, the Load-Point value will not increase picking up those extra items.
! width="300px" | Description
* When an Adventurer picks up an item and exceeds its Stack Limit, the next item will increase the Adventurer's Load-Point Total to compensate.
! Uses
** Adventurers are not normally restricted from having multiple stacks of items, so long as the Load-Point values are added properly to their Total.
Roleplaying note: This ruling is explained as creating enough room for that specific item in your inventory ahead of time. Remember: Load-Points are an abstraction of Size and Space, not just weight!
| Potion (Green)
| 0.5
| Recovery
| "A small vitality potion that restores a small amount of health"
* Heals 20 health upon USE.
** G+G heals 50HP, G+G+G heals 80 HP.
* Can be mixed with Green, Red and Blue Potions.
| Potion (Red)
| 0.5
| Recovery
| "A magical catalyst, it has no effect by itself but is used to enhance other potion types"
* Has no effect by itself.
* Mix with Green or Blue Potions to enhance their effect.
** R+G fully heals the user.
** R+B cures status ailments and protects the user's vitals for five minutes (50% damage resistance, poison/disease immunity, bleed immunity).
** R+G+B fully heals the user, and protect's the user's vitals for five minutes.
| Potion (Blue)
| 0.5
| Recovery
| "A medicine that cleanses the user from debiliating effects and even revives them from a near-death state"
* Cures status ailments, stops bleeding, revives user from dying status on USE.
* Mix with Green or Red Potions.
** G+B heals 30 HP as well as Blue Potion's effect, G+G+B heals 60HP and Blue's effect.
| Mixed Potion (Colour)
| 1
| Recovery
| "Mixture of Potions with effects greater than their components"
* See Potion Mixing
| colspan=5 |
| Lockpicks
| 0.5
| Tool
| "Set of Lockpicks used to circumvent the security features of locks"
* CONTEXT-USE: Can be used on locks which do not require a specific key to unlock. The character can attempt to pick the lock.
| colspan=5 |
| Gunpowder
| 0.5
| Resource
| "Gunpowder used in the creation of Firearm ammunition"
* COMBINE: When used with Gunpowder, it creates Firearm Ammunition.
| colspan=5 |
| "Weapon"
| 0.5 or more
| Weapon
| "Description for a weapon"
* EQUIP: Equip the weapon in order to have it ready at a moment's notice. Puts it in your hand to use.

==Item Commands==
Key Items
* <code>'''PICK-UP / TAKE'''</code>: Move an item from the world and add it to the adventurer's inventory.
** As part of the Pick-up action, you may <code>'''USE'''</code>, <code>'''COMBINE'''</code> or <code>'''EXAMINE'''</code> the item first before it goes into the inventory.
** The adventurer must have enough room to carry the item, or else the item will be left where it was found or in the adventurer's free hand.
Custom parts
** If the item found is a stack, the stack may '''combine with the same type of item''' in your inventory to store them. Overflow is either left in a new empty slot, or '''the remainder is left''' where they found it.

===Spaceless Items===
* <code>'''USE'''</code>: If the item can be used immediately without context, you trigger whatever effect happens when the item is used.
Some items do not require space in your inventory, it could be that they're immaterial documentation or utility/key items so important that anti-frustration policies are put in place to allow characters to keep them regardless of their loadout.
** Some items are not used for their own effect, but to '''<code>USE WITH</code>''' specific places, such a key to a door. The item will not be useful until the '''condition of the item's use is met'''.
* <code>'''COMBINE'''</code>: Whether you mix items together or use one item on another, this command makes the two items interact. You may be informed which items the first one can combine with.
** While ammunition certainly does go alongside the weapons that use them, your character must perform a 'Reload' action rather than combine the ammo to the weapon in question.
* <code>'''EXAMINE'''</code>: Look at an item in greater detail than the '''initial description grants'''. Some items have secret or different uses/interpretations by '''examining them properly'''.
** If a secret or intractable aspect of an item is found while examining, it can '''alter the meaning of the item''', including the way it can be used or combined.
** Some items are containers: <code>'''EXAMINE'''</code> or <code>'''OPEN'''</code> the container reveal its contents. The container will be automatically discarded unless specified.
* <code>'''DISCARD'''</code>: Remove the item from your inventory, it will '''dropped or placed somewhere within the adventurer's reach'''. Key items '''cannot be discarded''' until they become useless.
* <code>'''GIVE'''</code>: Gift another creature a specific item from the adventurer's inventory to '''someone else'''. The item will leave the adventurer's inventory and be added to other's if they accept.

'''Typical Spaceless Items'''
* Maps
* Written scripts, notes, clues; as long as it is virtually negligible in weight and size like paper.
* Worn-clothing items and armour.
* Hip-Pouches, Bags and other items designed to increase Inventory Space, not consume it.

Latest revision as of 08:53, 17 May 2022

Inventory Management is an aspect of adventuring that adventurers will need to learn and master quickly in order to stay equipped for the situation and carry important items, while not overloading themselves. The number of possible items that can be held by an adventurer, as well as the limits and penalties associated with it, can be determined with Load-Points.

Load-Points (LP) is a game mechanic that accounts for item weight, including its overall size, to calculate a character's encumbrance. The more items and equipment an Adventurer carries, the slower they move and the heavier the penalty will be using certain Skill checks. If they become Overloaded, they will suffer a severe penalty that persists until they carry less than their maximum load. There are a few different thresholds of encumbrance, including No/Light-Load which incurs no penalty to the Adventurer. An Adventurer with a high Strength attribute can increase the thresholds of encumbrance to carry more items, or potentially reduce the encumbrance for the same amount of items. Some Outfit customisations can increase the maximum Load of an Adventurer, but may not increase the thresholds that govern encumbrance penalties. Equipment such as Armours and Weapons tend to have higher Load-Point values compared to standalone items and influences encumbrance the most.

Items and Equipment have a Size property which helps indicate the intended size of its user, by default most standalone Items are treated as Size 1 (Medium), whereas Worn and Wielded equipment tend to designed to be usable to a certain Size of Adventurer. Extra-Large and Tiny Adventurers require equipment made for their in order to use them properly, whereas carrying items as a different size category can affect the Load-Point value of said item if they are not the same size category.

For example: When an Item or Equipment's size is twice that of the Adventurer, the Load-Point value is doubled. Whereas, if the Item/Equipment's size is half of the Adventurer's, the Load-Point value is halved.

Encumbrance Thresholds

  • Adventurers with no equipment or items held have a Load-Point Total of 0.
  • Items and Equipment carried by an Adventurer adds Load-Points to the total, if total Load-Points exceeds a threshold.
  • 'Certain Skills' can refer to, but not limited to, the Athletics and Stealth skill groups.
No Load
• Applies below 30 Load-Points.
• No Penalties.

Light Load
• Applies at 30 Load-Points onwards.
• 0.667x movement speed.

Heavy Load
• Applies at 70 Load-Points onwards.
• 0.5x movement speed (rounded down)
• -20 penalty to certain Skill checks.

Max Load (Overloaded)
• Applies at 100.25 or more Load-Points.
• 0.166x movement speed
• Certain Skill checks will be treated as if the Adventurer rolled a 1 each time they attempt a check, including the -30 penalty to certain Skill checks.
  • When reducing movement speed: movement is rounded to the nearest 1-step/5ft increment, by at least 5ft, and no lower than 5ft.
    • ex. If base movement is 30ft, then 0.66x penalty will reduce movement to 20ft. 20ft becomes 15ft. But if 15ft is reduced by 0.166x, then it becomes 5ft regardless of rounding.
  • The Load-Point thresholds listed above are increased by 10 points each for every point of Strength the Adventurer possesses.
  • Some bonuses may increase an Adventurer's Maximum Load-Points (threshold for Overloaded status) but may not increase thresholds into Light and Heavy load unless specified.

Item and Equipment Sizing

When determining Load-Point cost for items and equipment, as well as the usability of equipment between Adventurers, Players should know that Items and Equipment are usually keyed towards the Size of the Intended Wielder.

  • Items are assumed to be keyed for a Medium-sized (Size 1) creature by default, unless specified otherwise.

Equipment rules by Size

  • Equipment (Worn or Wielded) usually state what Size their intended wielder should be.
  • Adventurers may not be able to use weapons or held equipment effectively if the equipment's size is not intended for their size.
    • Worn Equipment like Outfits and Armour may not be worn if it is keyed to a size above or below the Adventurer's own size category.
    • Wielding weapons that are below the Adventurer's own size-category may be usable, but lack the power and effectiveness of its appropriately-sized counterparts.
    • Wielding weapons that are above the Adventurer's own size-category may incur heavy penalties to use them, or be unusable entirely if the gap between Adventurer and Equipment is too great.

Load-Point modification by Size

  • Load-Point values for Items and Equipment is multiple-squared by the Size-Difference between Adventurer and the Item (2*2, 4*4...etc)
    • Items and Equipment that is made for a creature twice as large will have a Load-Point four times higher than it's listed Load-Point value.
    • Items and Equipment that is made for a creature half their size will have a Load-Point four times smaller than it's listed Load-Point value.

Additional Rules and Guides

Spaceless Items
Some items are small and light enough there's no point keeping track of them, and can be treated as spaceless and weightless for the purposes of determining load.

  • Examples include Paper-like Maps, Scripts and Notes. Which have negliable weight and can be compacted down.

Stacking Items
Some items are small enough that in order for it to properly conform to the Load-Point system without frustrating players, such items can 'stack' in the same space at once. A stackable item will have an extra property known as a Stack limit.

  • Stackable items will have a fixed Load-Point value regardless of how many of the Item the Adventurer possesses, up to its Stack Limit.
    • If an item can be stacked up to 20 times, and its Load-Point value is 1. That item will have an LP of 1 even if you only hold one copy of that item!
      • But if an Adventurer picks up more of the same item, the Load-Point value will not increase picking up those extra items.
  • When an Adventurer picks up an item and exceeds its Stack Limit, the next item will increase the Adventurer's Load-Point Total to compensate.
    • Adventurers are not normally restricted from having multiple stacks of items, so long as the Load-Point values are added properly to their Total.
Roleplaying note: This ruling is explained as creating enough room for that specific item in your inventory ahead of time. Remember: Load-Points are an abstraction of Size and Space, not just weight!